Pretty Little Liars Wiki
Pretty Little Liars Wiki

Season 2[]

It's Alive[]


Garrett Reynolds takes the girls in his cop car to the police station, but shadily stops at an undisclosed location on the way to straighten the girls’ stories out. The next day, the girls chill out in Spencer’s room to review the events of the night. The parents send the girls to Anne Sullivan for therapy and are not to see each other for awhile. Later she glances at her sisters phone and sees a message leading her to believe Ian is still alive.

The Goodbye Look[]


Spencer attempts to comfort Melissa but is constantly rebuffed and attempts to investigate Jason and why he has returned to Rosewood. At school, Spencer spots Toby. She is hopeful that he is returning to Rosewood High, but he is there to pick up paperwork regarding getting his GED. She tries to convince him to return, but Toby is not interested, especially because he just landed a construction job working for an established company. Spencer is happy for him, and Toby reveals that he plans to work hard in order to leave his parents' home. On their forest walk, Spencer and Toby discuss the text message supposedly sent by Ian. They stare at Rosewood from above, comparing it to a monster, or simply a town full of monsters, then comfort each other about their reputations.

My Name Is Trouble[]


At school, the girls find ways to secretly meet by hiding in the bathroom stalls until the bathroom is empty. They discuss the latest news, including the possibility that Melissa is hiding Ian. When someone enters, they split as if being there all together is a coincidence. When she learns that Toby got a job as a carpenter at Jason’s house, she makes him promise not to enter the house and he agrees. She suspects Jason is up to something. Spencer confronts Melissa about her loyalties. She asks Melissa to protect her in the event that someone tried to hurt her only to get brushed off. She late pawns Melissa wedding ring to buy Toby a truck.

Blind Dates[]


Spencer walks back through the door of the pawn shop, just like she said she would, 48 hours after pawning the diamond ring. The owner pretends he doesn't recognize her to cover up his mistake, but Spencer has the receipt as proof. He gives her a rusty horseshoe as the item that corresponds with the number on the receipt. She gets a text from "A" cluing them into who has the ring. Spencer finds Wren at the hospital where he works to let him know that she saw Wren giving stuff to Melissa and to warn him that Ian had tried to kill her. He tells her that the bag contained strong pain killers, meaning Ian really is alive. Eventually, the girls follow Melissa and Wren to Ian's hiding place only to find Ian dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The Devil You Know[]


At the Hastings' home, reporters are calling the house nonstop. Spencer's mother does not want to get involved at all, but out of sympathy for Melissa, Spencer suggests a funeral to give her closure from her loss. Spencer tries to find an affordable wedding ring for Melissa to replace the one she lost to no success. The Liars join Emily in the cemetery, and they end up at Alison's grave. A projector shows the footage of Alison with Ian the night she died, the footage they thought was lost. This time, after falling to the floor, Alison gets up, giggling. Ian puts on his jacket, gives her a kiss, then turns to walk away. The girls are now led to believe that Ian did not kill Alison

Never Letting Go[]


And so, The Liars meet with Jessica DiLaurentis for lunch, despite their awkward reservations. She wants the girls to model dresses in the charity fashion show to realize Ali’s dream and pay tribute to her. They consent out of sympathy for Jessica. On the day of the fashion show, Spencer notices Peter and Jessica having an argument but doesn't catch the details. During the show, negative images and words of Alison play out of no where. She unplugs all the wires around his equipment until the images and sound effects stop. At home, she confronts him about his conversation with Jessica and asks him what's going on. Peter snappily and mysteriously tells Spencer to stay away from Jason.

Surface Tension[]


At the Hastings' residence, Spencer discusses her father's upcoming construction projects. Peter has commissioned Toby to work on everything, but is worried that it might be too much for one person. Spencer assures him that he can handle it and contrarily encourages him to hire Toby for Taylor's upcoming nursery as well. Spencer reminds her father that they owe it to Toby after falsely accusing him. When she learns about the field hockey stick that Toby found, she attempts to ask her dad about it only to find him burning it in the fireplace. Later that night, Spencer sits in Garrett's cop car and gets a text message from Aria, warning her not to trust Garrett.

Save the Date[]


Spencer viewing a classic picture of Alison on her computer. She gets up to answer the door and finds Wren with another plant entering her kitchen. But, this time, it looks like he bought the plant, and he's definitely not drunk. He says he has come to see Melissa, but she's still in Philadelphia. He drops the bomb that he is moving into Rosewood now that he has been accepted for a rotation at Rosewood Community Hospital. Later, her and Aria sneak into the hospital as candy strippers and discover that Alison's murder weapon was a curved blunt edge but she died of suffocation from breathing in dirt. To their surprise, there is a page missing from the report.

Picture This[]

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Spencer, Emily, and Hanna return to the morgue look for the page with no success. Later, Spencer walks on front lawn before getting the urge to spy on Jason and his latest construction endeavor. She sees a gardener about to open a door, when Jason barks at him not to enter that door. He closes the door and, after doing a poor job of looking to see if someone is watching, places the key atop the shed door. In the Hastings’ kitchen, Spencer confides in her mother about the hockey stick. Spencer and Emily discover that it is doubling as a dark room. There are developing photographs hanging all around. When she returns, the dark room is dismantled.

Touched by an 'A'-ngel[]


Spencer and Toby sort through Ian's leftover belongings. In his yearbook they discover he was part of an N.A.T. Club and discovered that Jason and Garrett were members too. Spencer descends the stairs to find Jenna sitting on her living room couch. After doing a double-take, Jenna accuses Spencer of somehow breaking their agreement. Jenna sharply announces that she knows that Toby is assisting her and that he rifled through her room. She warns Spencer and Toby to back down. At the mention of Toby, Spencer mocks Jenna in return for the way that she "cares" about him. Before she leaves, Spencer pointedly tells her to say hi' to Garrett for her. Later, her and Hanna try to comfort Emily, who had a terrible experience at the spa.

I Must Confess[]


Toby gives Spencer a ride to school in his truck. From their conversation, it seems that Jenna and Garrett have gotten into a fight. Spencer is afraid of what external pressures such as Jenna can do to weaken their relationship, but Toby insists that they are immune and plants a kiss on Spencer. Her father finds out about their relationship and Spencer stands in the middle of the two when they argue. She ignores her father and goes with Toby. Meanwhile, the girls decide to tell Dr. Sullivan about "A" and their struggle. However, Sullivan becomes a victim herself after finding out who "A" is.

Over My Dead Body[]


Spencer and the others are drawn into a game by A in order to find Dr. Sullivan. They are each given dolls of each other with instructions. Spencer's job is to "Keep Toby safe" which she does by breaking up with him. She tries to convince him that she doesn't trust him and sincerely argues that when she reveals her secrets, people get hurt. She breaks down by an oak tree because of what "A" made her do. After receiving more instructions, the girls go to the spot where they think "A" has Dr. Sullivan. They dig up a shovel and are arrested by the police for possessing a murder weapon. Alison's murder weapon.

The First Secret[]


The Halloween before Alison's disappearance, Spencer is trying to win class president in the school election to impress her family. Alison volunteers to help her with her predicament. She along with her friends are at a part at Noel Kahn's house. There, Alison hands her incriminating evidence of tampering with the ballots of the election to insure Spencer's victory. Alison encourages her to burn it so people won't find out about it. Later, she and the others look for Alison and are annoyed when she pranked them into thinking she was in trouble.

Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares[]


A month has passed since the night they got arrested. On the Rosewood Camp Grounds, the four girls are picking up trash for community service. The girls decide to trap "a" by handing them "evidence" and using Emily as bait. That night, all 4 girls meet at the greenhouse. "A" falls for the plan until the stalker realizes they have nothing. "A" attacks and is chased outside the greenhouse and disappears. Spencer shouts that now they have nothing. Frustrated, they return to greenhouse and discover "A"s phone on the ground under Hanna's front headlight. They all stare at it thinking the same thing - they may have actually found hard evidence to expose the identity of "A."

A Hot Piece of A[]


After their recent encounter with "A," Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer think they may be closer than ever to figuring out who "A" really is. Spencer suggests calling Caleb to help them recover information from the phone. The next day, Spencer approaches Toby wanting to talk. She asks if they can do it someplace more private than a sidewalk so they go into his truck. They sit in his truck for privacy as Spencer tells him she knows that he wants answers but that it is still not safe yet. At Spencer's lake house, Hanna runs downstairs to answer the door while Spencer keeps searching. She moves around a few boxes and discovers that the wallpaper in the background of the doll photo is the same as that on the wall.

Let the Water Hold Me Down[]


The next day, Spencer has found cell phones and an old receipt up in her attic at the lake house. The receipt lists an address in Philadelphia. Aria and Spencer agree to check out the place in Philly later this afternoon. Spencer and Aria walk down a street in Philly, looking for the place on the receipt, Smitty's, and find it just to be a newsstand. They figure that must be the place since the receipt is just for gum and magazines, but don't see anything out of the ordinary. Spencer discovers the reason for all the blind people in the area: a rehabilitation center for the blind is not far from that newsstand. As Spencer turns to leave, another patient tells her that he knows Jenna. She also console a distraught Mona after her break up with Noel.

The Blond Leading the Blind[]


Caleb uncodes more videos from A's phone. They see the video of Ali and Ian at the Kissing Rock and wonder if this is all there is. Spencer and the girls see a video of Then a new video starts. Ian, Garrett, and Jenna in Ali's bedroom looking for their videos. Toby calls Spencer. Emily reluctantly picks up the phone and tells Toby Spencer cannot come to the phone, not wanting to lie to him. Toby says he came by to pick up his tools since Spencer's father fired him and that Spencer has been sending him mixed signals lately. Spencer then learns that Toby had an accident. At the hospital, Toby tells Spencer the anchors "gave way." Wren enters, introducing himself as Dr. Kingston. During their introductions, Wren makes it somewhat obvious there is a history between him and Spencer. She asks Emily to tell Toby she cheated on him in order to to protect him from more attacks from "A".

A Kiss Before Lying[]


Aria and Spencer sit alone in Spencer's kitchen. Aria notes that Toby's truck has gone, and Spencer says she took it back to Toby's house, and begins crying reminiscing about him. Aria comforts her and Spencer says she doesn't know how Aria is holding it together. Spencer asks if it is her fault they are lying to Hanna about Caleb, but Aria assures her that there are certain situations in which someone must lie to their friends, no matter how much they hate it. She also helps Hanna cope with the fact that Kate, her stepsister is now a student a Rosewood High.

The Naked Truth[]


At the high school's Truth Up Day, Spencer help Hanna clear her name after she's framed for posting a nude photo of Kate on the internet. She also discovers that Jason is her brother due to Peter's affair with Jessica DiLaurentis. Spencer says she knows that her dad altered the will to protect Jason, but she doesn't know why. Jason tells her to ask her dad when he gets back in town, but Spencer says he hasn't left town and that she's already asked him and he won't give her an answer. Veronica says she understands that Spencer is feeling upset and betrayed, and she did when she found out and still does sometimes, but they need to get past it. Spencer asks how, and Veronica says that every family has secrets, and if she'd known and made a different one, then Spencer wouldn't be here.



Spencer spots Jason outside and they talk. Jason admits he found another one of Alison's boxes under the floorboards in her room at their grandmother's. There were letters in the box, which were from their dad to Jason's mom, a few of which were love letters. Along with the letters, there was $15,000 in cash in envelopes, $5000 in each one. A shocked Spencer realizes that Ali must have found the letters, figured out what they meant, and blackmailed Spencer's dad under the threat that she would ruin both families. Later, she asks him for 2,000 dollars with she would us to pay a man with information about Alison.

Breaking the Code[]


At the Hastings' house, Spencer has just told Melissa about Jason being their half-brother. Melissa is visibly angry, and when Spencer tries to defend their mother, Melissa scolds her for it. Spencer also mentions that Alison knew. When Melissa questions if anyone else knows, Spencer tells her no. Melissa wants to keep it that way. Aria and Spencer meet Jonah at the park. They give him the money, and he gives them an address. She's unsatisfied with just an address, but then they spot Garrett in his car, watching them. So, they decide to go later. Later when Caleb decode the rest of the video, she is shocked to Melissa walk into Ali's room too.

Father Knows Best[]


Spencer sits with Melissa in her car at night and tries to get some answers. Melissa says Garrett was Ian's friend and has been really kind to her since Ian's death. Now she worries she shared too much with him. She admits to having sent Ali anonymous texts telling her to back off Ian and stop flirting with him and telling Peter all about it. Spencer fills Melissa in on Ali's blackmail money and the possibility it came from their father. While the girls accuse Melissa of being "A," Spencer defends her sister. At a father-daughter dance, she reluctantly goes with Peter despite her mixed feeling toward him. She admits to going through his office earlier and finding an incriminating check stub. He says he hired a private investigator for reference and that is who the $15,000 went to, not Alison for blackmail.

Eye of the Beholder[]


The next day, Spencer sees Toby in the hallway helping Jenna through into the office. Spencer seems happy to see him, but he is cold toward her. Spencer admits she is surprised to see him with Jenna like that. Toby reminds her she is his sister and has been through a lot. When Spencer tells Toby she has been thinking about him a lot, he tells her it's a little late for that. Jenna returns and acknowledges Spencer as she takes Toby's arm and walks past. Emily finds Spencer who is worried she caused him to run back to Jenna. Meanwhile, Spencer packs up Ali's things, her mom walks in and warns her not to go in to Jason's house. Spencer asks if she knows Ali may have been blackmailing Peter. Veronica explains that it was her idea they hire a detective. She later helps rescue Jenna from a house fire.

If These Dolls Could Talk[]


Spencer dreams about having a conversation with Alison in her living room. She's glad the girls "haven't given up." Alison also warns her not to miss what is right in front of her. Spencer wakes up to Melissa pointing out the side door has been open all night. She looks over at two prescription bottles, wondering whether it had only been a dream or perhaps she actually had talked to Alison. Later, they go to the doll store in Brookhaven where they learn Alison stopped there looking for the same doll as them. Hanna, Spencer and Emily return to the shop at night and get scared out of the store by "A"'s trap.



They all receive a text from "A" instructing them to return the cell phone as a messenger delivers invitations to a masquerade ball along with a message from "A" that demands their attendance. Spencer is sure they can discover who "A" is before the midnight deadline because hide and seek is her favorite game. During the ball, she and Mona go to the Lost Woods Resort where they find "A"'s lair and Spencer realizes Mona is their stalker. They drive in the night and Mona offers to let Spencer join her team, but she stops the car and Mona is defeated. Dr. Sullivan reveals that "A" blackmailed her by threatening her son, which is why she disappeared. Toby, who brought Dr. Sullivan back, reconciles with her and they kiss.
